
Gift Cards

Buy our gift cards online and have them sent anywhere!

Gift Card Balance

You may check the balance on your card by clicking on the Check Balance button below.

Cardholder Statement

You may check the balance on your card by clicking on the Statement button below. Your statement with current balances will be displayed for you.

Gift Card FAQ

How can I buy a gift card from LocalGiftCards.com?

Simply select the gift card in the amount that you’d like and complete the checkout process here on our website.


I’m ordering a gift card as a gift for someone else.
What will the LocalGiftCards.com presentation look like?

E-gift cards

E-gift cards are instantly sent to the recipient’s email address with an image of the e-gift card as it appears here on our website. You can also include a personalized message with an e-gift card, which will appear in the body of the email to the recipient.

M-gift cards

M-gift cards are instantly sent to the recipient’s mobile phone as an SMS text message, and will include the name of the business where the gift card can be used, as well as any personalized messaging you have added.

When can I expect to receive the gift card that I ordered online?

E-gift and m-gift cards are delivered instantly, or at the delivery time selected when adding the card to your cart.

How can I check the balance of my gift card or merchandise credit card?

You can check your balance on the Gift Card Balance area of the site.
You can also call 1-888-303-1175 for balance information 24 hours a day.

Can I reload my gift card?

Yes; to reload/add value to a gift card, simply purchase a card recharge as you would any other type of gift card. You will be prompted for the gift card number when adding the recharge item to your cart.

Order Information

To look up status of an order, please click on the Check Order button below.